Assistant Professor of Instruction in Art History
Full Time
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Art History
The Department of Art at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) invites applications for a full-time, non-tenure-track Assistant Professor of Instruction in Art History to commence in Fall 2025. The position requires teaching introductory and advanced undergraduate art history courses with a primary focus in Latin American, Asian, or African art, along with the ability to teach at least one course in another of these three areas.
The Department of Art is strongly committed to instructional excellence in its Art History curriculum. The successful candidate must have teaching experience, excellent communication skills, and the ability to craft compelling and effective lectures and other course materials. Applicants should possess specialized knowledge of the history of Latin American, Asian, or African art and of the methodological and theoretical developments in that field; be able to prep and teach at least one upper-division course in another of these three areas; and be prepared to prep and teach History of Art II, a general survey of Western Art treating the period from 1300 through Modernism. Current courses for this position are ARTH 1306, 3353, 3355, 3357, 3366, 3399, 4383, and 4390.
The Art History Program of the Department of Art consists of more than 30 majors and 15 minors and has an exceptional record of preparing students for advanced degree programs and professional careers. Its summer program in Rome and its collaboration with cultural institutions throughout the region provide significant opportunities for students to enhance their education and develop valuable skills.
The Department of Art is deeply committed to the University's mission of access and excellence and seeks a forward-thinking art historian who will play an active role in the success of UTEP students. The ideal candidate will possess a strong interest in serving first-generation and non-traditional students and will responsively instruct and mentor undergraduate Art History majors and minors through the curricular program while serving the needs of the Department, University, and greater community.
Job Requirements:
- Completion of PhD coursework in Art History (ABD)
- Specialization in Latin American, Asian, or African art and the ability to prep and teach at least one upper-division course in another of these three areas
- Ability to prep and teach a general survey of Western art (1300 through Modernism)
- Evidence of excellence in undergraduate instruction
- Ability to assess and mentor undergraduate writing and research
- Evidence of strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills
Additional Information:
In keeping with its access, excellence, and impact mission, The University of Texas at El Paso is committed to an open, diverse, and inclusive learning and working environment that honors the talents, respects the differences, and nurtures the growth and development of all. We seek to attract faculty and staff who share our commitment.
The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity in employment or the provision of services in accordance with state and federal law. Discrimination on the basis of sex includes an employee's or prospective employee's right to be free from sexual harassment under Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972. Inquiries-including the filing of a Formal Complaint or reporting an incident-about the application of Title IX may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, who can be reached by phone at (915) 747-8358, by email at titleix@utep.edu, or by mail at 500 W. University Ave., El Paso, TX, Kelly Hall, Room 312.
For accommodation information for employees and applicants with disabilities, please contact UTEP's Equal Opportunity Office at eoaa@utep.edu.
To apply, visit http://utep.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=185805