Instructor - Accounting Program
Job Summary
Full-time members of the faculty are professional educators who have the primary responsibility of fulfilling the Colleges’ mission, vision, values, strategic plan, President’s & Board of Trustees’ charges and educational philosophy, and primary goal of providing a quality education for all students attending the College. Faculty members are classified according to the ranks of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Faculty members are subject to Board policies, including academic freedom, and are also bound by its accompanying responsibilities. The relationship of the faculty member to the student is one of leader, teacher, adviser, mentor, and facilitator of learning. This position is intended to be in Accounting instruction.ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS
Instruction & Student Learning
- Teaches assigned courses as scheduled and assumes primary responsibility for and exercisesoversightofthecurriculuminconjunctionwiththeDepartment’spolicies, ensuring both the rigor of programs and the quality of instruction.
- Designs curriculum embracing diversity in all forms to foster talent in students while modeling inclusive teaching strategies with an understanding of the socio-cultural issues of traditionally underrepresented groups. Considers individual differences of students in order to design and support a range of appropriate learning activities.
- Participates in the identification of students with academic or otherneedsandrespondsbyutilizinganappropriateresource.Usestechnologyina manner appropriate to the nature and objectives of courses and programs and communicates clearly to students the expectations concerning the use of such technology. Keeps accurateand appropriaterecords inaccordance withthe Faculty Handbook and departmental policies.
- Maintains attendance records, determines and submits grades timely, and in accordance with established policies and procedures of the College, and communicatesprogressfeedbackaswellasotherrelevantinformationtostudents throughoutthesemester.Createandmaintainaccuratesyllabithatincorporate
Student Engagement & Advisement
- Creates a positive classroom atmosphere that encourages active and collaborative learning, student effort, academic challenge, student and faculty interaction, and supportforlearners.Maintainspostedofficehoursinaccordancewithdepartmental and policies of the College.
- Uses technology to assist in communication with students.Encouragesasenseofcommunityamongstudentsforlearningbothinside and outside the classroom.
- Advisespotentialorcurrentstudentswithinthedisciplineabouttheprogram, career, or transfer options available to assist with degree completion. Refers studentstoappropriatestudentandacademicsupportservicesavailableattheCollegeorinthecommunity.
Continuous Improvement
- Promotes continual improvement as part of the cycle of teaching and learning by: assisting, as appropriate, in the maintenance of instructional materials and laboratoryfacilities;contributing,asappropriate,tothedevelopment,selection,and improvement of instructional materials, laboratories, and other instructional facilities; providing guidance in the development, maintenance, and design of coursedescription,courseoutlines,andsyllabi;recommendingmodificationstothe curriculum and participating in the design of new curricula.
- Completes all mandatory performance evaluation measures within specified time limitsandparticipatesinallrequiredtrainingbytheCollege.Sharesbestpractices with colleagues in formal or informal settings. Participates in instructional, departmental, or institutional research to improve educational effectiveness.
- Evaluates teaching and assessment practices to continue improving them. Provides feedback, as appropriate, regarding the general operations of the department, division,andtheCollege.Participates,asappropriate,intheinterviewing,selection, and orientation processes of department faculty and staff. Provides advice and/or assistance to faculty within the department, division, or College. Attends faculty meetings as called by the President, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean,orDepartmentChairperson;andparticipates,asappropriate,ondepartmental and divisional committees.
Professional Development 10%
- Maintains a personal portfolio for tenure and promotion review and other career-relatedneeds.Employsstudent,administrative,andself-appraisalstoestablishgoals and objectives for professional development and participates in professional development activities. Contributes, as appropriate, to the planning, evaluation, and/or presentation of college professional development programs.
- Maintainsrequiredprofessionalcredentials,licensing,andcontinuingeducation hours as disciplinary standards dictate.
Culture of Respect
- Fostersandmaintainsasafeenvironmentofrespectandinclusionforfaculty,staff, students, and members of the community.
Minimum Qualifications
- A Master's Degree in Accounting
- A Current CPA certification
- A minimum of five (5) years of in-field, documented industry experience
- State Motor Vehicle Operator's License or demonstrable ability to gain access to work site(s)
Salary Details
9-Month Instructor Salary: $49,560-$55,507.20
Optional Summer Semester (Full load): $16,034.12-$17,958.21
Optional Overload (maximum amounts shown):
- Autumn Semester (12 contact hours max): $11,520
- Spring Semester (12 contact hours max): $11,520
- Summer Semester (9 contact hours max): $8,640
CSCC has the right to revise this position description at any time. This position description does not represent in any way a contract of employment.
Full Time/Part Time:
Full timeUnion (If Applicable):
Columbus State Education AssociationScheduled Hours:
40Additional Information
In order to ensure your application is complete, you must complete the following:
- Please ensure you have all the necessary documents available when starting the application process. For all faculty positions (Instructor, Annually Contracted Faculty, and Adjunct), you will need to upload an unofficial copy of your transcript when completing your aplication.
- Prior to submitting your application, please review and update (if necessary) the information in your candidate profile as it will transfer to your application.
If you are a current employee of Columbus State Community College, please log in to Workday to use the internal application process.
Thank you for your interest in positions at Columbus State Community College. Once you have applied, the most updated information on the status of your application can be found by visiting your Candidate Home. Please view your submitted applications by logging in and reviewing your status.
Salary range
- $49,560 - $55,507 per year